Tagged: Save

Save Time: Find Your New Car Online

Save Time: Find Your New Car Online

Save Time: Find Your New Car Online For many people, car shopping can be a frustrating, time-consuming and inconvenient experience. The good news is that with a little know-how you can use the Internet to turn what might otherwise be overwhelming into a manageable, even enjoyable experience. The Web is an excellent resource to help reduce the stress of car shopping and increase the likelihood of finding exactly the vehicle you are looking for. The online shopping search starts with thinking about the basic things you want in a new car. Ask yourself, “Do I want a new, used or...

Learning How To Save On Auto Insurance With A Few Quick Tips

Learning How To Save On Auto Insurance With A Few Quick Tips

Learning How To Save On Auto Insurance With A Few Quick Tips Are you paying too much for your auto insurance? Read these tips to learn how to find a good price and a coverage that actually corresponds to your needs. Learn which factors determine how much you will pay in premiums and what your policy really means. Make better choices thanks to these tips. Check crash test ratings for any new car you plan on buying. This will have a substantial impact on your insurance rates. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety issues a list each year with about...

Save Money By Using These Auto Insurance Tips

Save Money By Using These Auto Insurance Tips

Save Money By Using These Auto Insurance Tips Let’s face it: accidents happen. Car accidents happen more frequently than we want to talk about. Protect yourself by purchasing auto insurance before something bad has a chance of happening. Don’t risk driving if you don’t have auto insurance! The tips below will help you pick the auto insurance that is right for you. Shop online! To ensure you get the absolute best deal on car insurance, do most or all of your research online – and then buy online. Technology now allows fast comparison of so many companies and features; it...

Tips for Motorists to Save Money at the Pump

Tips for Motorists to Save Money at the Pump

Tips for Motorists to Save Money at the Pump Forecasters say the price of gasoline likely will set records throughout this busy driving season, which certainly will shrink many a bank account. Is there anything a motorist can do? According to the professionals at the nonprofit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), changing a few driving habits and paying attention to routine vehicle maintenance will help. They offer the following tips on how to squeeze the most out of each gallon of gas. * Break your speeding habit. Speeding can decrease your miles per gallon by 15 percent or...

Save Money Have Fun With Online Auto Auction

Save Money Have Fun With Online Auto Auction

Save Money Have Fun With Online Auto Auction Have you ever considered giving up the old kick-the-tires ruse and admitting that you can’t really tell anything about a car by test-driving it for two minutes? One of the coolest new ways to use the Internet is to join in the fun and bargains in an online auto auction. Online auto auctions can be the perfect place to find the auto of your dreams – you know that 1965 Mustang or the 280Z that was all the rage during your high school years? If you are searching for a car that...

Save Time and Money with the Prepass System

Save Time and Money with the Prepass System

Save Time and Money with the Prepass System There are weigh in stations called ports at many locations where trucks have to pull in by law. The amount of time it takes to complete the process depends on how many trucks are in front of you and what they plan to do. Trucks can randomly be pulled aside to be inspected, and this can quickly eat away at the amount of time you have left to get your delivery to its destination. An innovative way to get around this hassle is to enroll in the Prepass program. This will allow...

How To Save Money, Get Discount Car Insurance In Illinois

How To Save Money, Get Discount Car Insurance In Illinois

How To Save Money, Get Discount Car Insurance In Illinois In the state of Illinois, the minimum limits for automobile liability insurance is ,000 per person/,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and ,000 for property damage. Understanding that this is a minimum requirement, it might be in your best interest to purchase more than is required. With the rise in today’s medical costs and the cost of a potential hospital stay, in the event of an accident, the liability limits of your policy can be quickly exhausted. As odd as it may sound, you might save more on your automobile...

New Technoloy In SUVs and Vans Will Save More Lives

New Technoloy In SUVs and Vans Will Save More Lives

New Technoloy In SUVs and Vans Will Save More Lives Sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and vans may be large and may look powerful. However, some studies have shown that these vehicles that show off and boast of their muscles and great stance are much more likely to rollover than smaller cars. In fact, in the United Kingdom, there have been more than 900 people killed each year along with 12,000 pedestrians and cyclists. The number of those who are injured count to much more. Now, there has been a new innovation for these mentioned vehicles that would surely save more...