Tagged: Motor

The Classic  Automotive Product The Ford Model A Motor Auto

The Classic Automotive Product The Ford Model A Motor Auto

The Classic Automotive Product The Ford Model A Motor Auto Creating a replacement for the phenomenally successful; Model T Ford will always be recognized as one of the toughest tasks in all the entire history of the automobile industry. Later successes in an established industry are always easier – the groundwork has been done. It is early on in the marketing cycle of a car , an industry or a sales territory is where the greatest efforts are usually required and the results success or failure are more dramatic. Mr. Henry Ford was confident and eccentric enough to want the...

Specialty Motor Oil Protects Cars From Ethanol

Specialty Motor Oil Protects Cars From Ethanol

Specialty Motor Oil Protects Cars From Ethanol Since President Bush announced an agenda for weaning the country from dependency on foreign oil, new ethanol plants have been popping up across the nation. Ethanol demand is rising. If you fuel your car in the U.S., you are putting ethanol in your gas tank because regular gasoline now contains at least 10 percent ethanol. And many gas stations are replacing their mid-grade gasoline with E85, which is 85 percent ethanol. The strategy seems to be working. According to Bob Dinneen, president of the Renewable Fuels Association, the U.S. has already reduced its...

The Rapid Vehicle Motor Company

The Rapid Vehicle Motor Company

The Rapid Vehicle Motor Company The Rapid Motor Vehicle Company was started in 1902 by Max Grabowski. It was the manufacturer of some of the earliest trucks and was purchased in 1909 by GM. In 1912 the name GMC was first used at the New York Auto Show and in 1996 the suffix Truck was dropped. What most people don’t know is that GMC also makes cars. In 1902 Max Grabowski founded a company called the “Rapid Motor Vehicle Company”, which developed some of the earliest commercial trucks ever designed. In 1909 the company was bought by General Motors to...